Appendix B
List: Provincial and Territorial Authorities Having Jurisdiction

Each province and territory has its own statutes and codes which, although titled differently, essentially govern the same matters. The following list is representative of areas regulated by legislation in most provinces and territories . The architect should confirm the exact name and responsibility of the authority having jurisdiction in the jurisdiction.

Boilers and Pressure Vessels:
Although the Boilers and Pressure Vessels Act does not usually require permits, equipment and material must be inspected and certified prior to installation.

Building Construction:
In most provinces and the Northwest Territories, building codes have superseded municipal building bylaws regulating construction of new construction and significant alterations to existing building. Despite being provincial and territorial statutes, they are administered and enforced by the local municipality. Local building bylaws may apply to all existing buildings and to construction projects involving minor alterations to existing buildings. Provincial building codes may also include a requirement for professional design and field review of specified buildings.

Construction Safety:
Construction safety legislation governs the safety of workers during the construction, demolition or moving of buildings. The legislation stipulates the safety precautions that must be observed during construction and that may indirectly affect the contract documents.

Elevating Devices Construction:
Authorities responsible for elevators, hoists, and lifts provide for their inspection and for licences to operate them. Design and construction should be approved in advance by the appropriate provincial or territorial authority.

Environmental Protection:
Environmental authorities administer extensive regulations for the control of air pollution, toxic waste and other environmental requirements, and noise. They are administered by the appropriate provincial or territorial authority.

Fire Safety:
The provincial or territorial fire marshal and the local fire department have authority to inspect existing buildings, to order repairs and alterations, and to make regulations applicable to new buildings. Many municipalities withhold building permits for schools, hospitals, hotels, and buildings funded by the province, until plans are approved by the fire marshal. Fire safety requirements typically use the National Fire Code as a model.

Fire Safety for Hotels:
The provincial or territorial fire marshal may require that hotel plans be approved prior to construction.

Flammable Products:
Various provincial or territorial authorities administer regulations for service stations and for the storage and handling of flammable liquids and solids.

Float Homes:
In British Columbia, float homes must comply with provincial regulations.

Highway Improvement and Transportation:
The appropriate provincial or territorial authority controls/limits access to properties. Under the regulations, building permits are required to construct buildings or structures within a prescribed distance of a controlled access road. Projects within the specified distance require a municipal building permit, as well as approval from the appropriate provincial or territorial authority.

Home Owners Protection:
The provincial or territorial authority regulates residential builders and provides requirements for project warranties.

The provincial hospital authorities require that all hospital plans be approved, which in turn requires approval of the provincial or territorial  fire marshal. Approval by these two provincial authorities is usually required before the local municipality issues a building permit.

Liquor Licence:
The appropriate provincial or territorial authority must issue a licence, and approve the building plans, before an establishment is permitted to sell alcoholic beverages.

Public Health:
Local municipalities, through bylaws, regulate a wide range of public health concerns, including restaurants and food preparation establishments.

The appropriate provincial or territorial authority approves plans for all theatres before it issues a building permit.

Water Resources:
Authorities for water resources and conservation govern natural water courses and adjacent plumbing installations.

Workplace and Industrial Safety:
The appropriate provincial or territorial authority requires that plans for such buildings as industrial buildings, restaurants, office buildings, and arenas be approved prior to construction.